"This work is unlike any other, in its range of rich, conjuring imagery and its dexterity, its smart voice. Carroll-Hackett doesn’t spare us—but doesn’t save us—she draws a blueprint of power and class with her unflinching pivot: matter-of-fact and tender." —Jan Beatty

Posts tagged ‘translations’

Daily Prompt Love <3 Bible Says What?

30 June 2019

My focus in studying Anthropology was cross-cultural perspectives of religions, with a specific eye toward where the origin of Christianity intersected with Judaism. I am not a Biblical scholar, but I know a little. 

Thinking on how many times the Christian Bible has been translated, rewritten, revised. Looking to the Old Testament, even the major religions can’t agree on how many books should be included. The Jews have 24 books, the Protestants 39, the Catholics 46, and the Eastern Orthodox have 51.   And contemporary scholars believe there are between 300,000 and 400,000 different versions of the New Testament. There are more different versions of the New Testament than there are words in it. 

Make art about what’s lost in translation. 

Happy National Poetry Month! <3 The Language Issue by Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill

Another favorite poem, and poet. 

The Language Issue
Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill
translated by Paul Muldoon

I place my hope on the water
in this little boat
of the language, the way a body might put
an infant

in a basket of intertwined
iris leaves,
its underside proofed
with bitumen and pitch,

then set the whole thing down amidst
the sedge
and bulrushes by the edge
of a river

only to have it borne hither and thither,
not knowing where it might end up;
in the lap, perhaps,
of some Pharaoh’s daughter.

leaf boat

Friday Call for Submissions Love :-) <3 Peacock Journal

Seems appropriate 🙂 

Peacock Journal a daily online literary & arts magazine highlighting beauty in all its forms, seeks original submissions of Fiction, Flash, Poetry, Non-Fiction, Translations, Music, Art and Photography from emerging and established writers and artists.
“We want to see your most beautiful work. Submissions are read year round. Pieces may also be selected for inclusion in our print anthology.”
Please see the website for guideline details.
Submit work using the online submission form at: peacockjournal.com.  

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