"This work is unlike any other, in its range of rich, conjuring imagery and its dexterity, its smart voice. Carroll-Hackett doesn’t spare us—but doesn’t save us—she draws a blueprint of power and class with her unflinching pivot: matter-of-fact and tender." —Jan Beatty

Posts tagged ‘music is prayer’

Quarantine Prompt a Day <3 Oh the Music

29 March 2020

“If music be the food of love, play on”–Shakespeare

Make art about the power of music, the power of song, of singing, alone or together, in difficult times. 



Quarantine Prompt a Day <3 In Praise

28 March 2020

“Try to praise the mutilated world.
Remember June’s long days,
and wild strawberries, drops of wine, the dew….”

From “Try to Praise the Mutilated World” by Adam Zagajewski
(Translation by Clare Cavanagh)

Read the full poem here.

Make art today in praise, praising something, praising whatever is lifting your heart. 



Quarantine Prompt a Day <3 Feeding

18 March 2020 

Nourish the body. Feed the soul. 

Thinking on all the things that fed me these last few days. Yes, the meals shared with my son, but also my brother-man Eric in West Virginia, with his guitar, serenading the world with an Irish song, the silly memes my sister Adaire and I sent back and forth to each other, my young alum Katlyn and her friend selflessly working to collect donations for families and kids in need in quarantine, my current students excitedly discussing their short stories and poems in our online class, my friend Brigid writing a new comic who shared the pages with me, the sound of my friend Lynne’s laughter through the phone, my old dog sleeping on his purple pillow, my silly cat Moco biting my elbow because I was ignoring him, the humming of the bees across the burgeoning green in my yard, the multitude of good people out there doing good work teaching, sharing, cooking, donating–coping, all of them, in beautiful, humane, and community-minded ways.

So much, in the midst of this fear, to feed the soul. 

Make art about one thing recently that fed your soul. 

what feeds you

Daily Prompt Love <3 Into the Mystic

21 August 2019 

It has been a Van Morrison morning around here. 

“And I want to rock your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old
And together we will flow into the mystic”

Make art about or inspired by the mystic. 

Sometimes the Day Is the Poem <3


Sometimes the Day is the Poem <3

Whatsoever you do….

Sometimes the Day Is the Poem <3 Sam Cooke Sunday

Daily Prompt Love <3 Fire & Ice

15 June 2019 

“I was born in a forked-tongued story,/Raised up by merchants and drugstore liars./Now I walk on the paths of glory,/One foot in ice, one in fire.”–from “The Mountain” by Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer 

Make art about fire and ice. 

fire &amp; ice

Image by Jonny Lindner from Pixabay


Sometimes the Day Is the Poem <3

I’ll keep this world from draggin me down.

Sometimes the Day Is the Poem <3

“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he

whatever you dwelling on is the reality that you’re creating”


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